Evolve with hg 2.8.2

Sebastian Unger sebunger44 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 10 20:57:17 UTC 2014

Hi There,

First of all: I have sent this before, but got no response, confirmation or
other indication that my email had been received and I cannot see it in the
archives. So I'm sending it again, now that I'm subscribed, in the believe
that my previous email may have been dropped (maybe because I wasn't
subscribed). If that was in fact not the case, then please accept my

I'm a reasonably experienced HG + MQ user and have been keen to give Evolve
a try. I'm also managing the 40 odd development desktops in my team. We are
currently running Ubuntu 14.04 and will probably stick with that for a
little while. This currently ships with mercurial version 2.8.2. If I
follow the instructions <http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/EvolveExtension>
for installing evolve, I get "Your Mercurial is too old for this version of

I have noticed that there is a branch in the evolve repo called
mercurial-2.7 and if I update the extension to that branch, I do not get
any immediate error messages.

Here are my questions:

   1. Is that branch up-to-date, i.e. does it have the same functionality
   as stable just for an older version of mercurial?
   2. If so, are you going to keep it up-to-date for at least some time
   until later versions of mercurial are in more widespread use by distro's?
   3. If not (to either one), what is the currently most stable and
   recommended combination of mercurial + evolve and how stable is it
   (compared to 2.8.2 without evolve)?
   4. If I start using evolve and I find bugs/suggestions etc, where should
   I direct them?
   5. What is the state of tortoisehg, if you know? The version shipped
   with Ubuntu 14.04 is 2.10. Does that support the evolve extension?

And in general: From its documentation (having worked very intensively with
MQ for 2 years or so) evolve looks like a dream come true! I really really
would like to use it. ;-)

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