Evolve with hg 2.8.2

Pierre-Yves David pierre-yves.david at ens-lyon.org
Tue Nov 11 11:41:22 UTC 2014

On 11/10/2014 08:57 PM, Sebastian Unger wrote:
> I have noticed that there is a branch in the evolve repo called
> mercurial-2.7 and if I update the extension to that branch, I do not get
> any immediate error messages.
> Here are my questions:
>  1. Is that branch up-to-date, i.e. does it have the same functionality
>     as stable just for an older version of mercurial?

This branch is not up to date. Most improvement involve changing both 
the extension and mercurial itself so most of it is not back-portable.

>  2. If so, are you going to keep it up-to-date for at least some time
>     until later versions of mercurial are in more widespread use by
>     distro's?

Distro are going to be too far behind for evolve need. You need to stick 
to newer version of mercurial to have a descent experience.

>  3. If not (to either one), what is the currently most stable and
>     recommended combination of mercurial + evolve and how stable is it
>     (compared to 2.8.2 without evolve)?

The current experience is great on some aspect, and terrible on others, 
it is continuous improving so using the latest release will get you the 
most descent experience.

If you really cannot go 3.2 you can try the 3.0 branch (that I just 
created, thanks for the reminder)

>  4. If I start using evolve and I find bugs/suggestions etc, where
>     should I direct them?

Bug goes to bz.selenic.com. Discussion can happen here. As the whole 
thing is very unpolished yet, there is a lots of low hanging fruit, feel 
free to send small patches to improve error message, documentation or 
anything else.

>  5. What is the state of tortoisehg, if you know? The version shipped
>     with Ubuntu 14.04 is 2.10. Does that support the evolve extension?

The latest version of tortoise-hg (3.2) have some basic support for 
viewing (and maybe using) evolution. The hgview and tortoisehg are 
currently slowly merging together and the evolution support should 
improve overtime (but again, latest version will probably be necessary)

> And in general: From its documentation (having worked very intensively
> with MQ for 2 years or so) evolve looks like a dream come true! I really
> really would like to use it. ;-)

Evolution have been thinked by an advanted MQ user in a MQ-Heavy 
company. It should solve your problem.

Pierre-Yves David

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