Evolve with hg 2.8.2

Faheem Mitha faheem at faheem.info
Tue Nov 11 22:39:56 UTC 2014

On Wed, 12 Nov 2014, Sebastian Unger wrote:

> Hi Faheem et al,

> Thanks for these links. The fact that the debian packaging for hg 3.2 is
> available and there are no Ubuntu specific changes in the ubuntu
> packaging makes the prospect of rebuilding it myself seem much more
> doable. However, if I get into this, then it seems to make more sense to
> set myself up with an Ubuntu PPA and do this publicly rather than
> locally here at work. No sense in others having to duplicate this work
> yet again. That of course means I have to learn about maintaining PPAs
> (I'm well familiar with how to USE them).

Actually, Max Bowsher was maintaining Mercurial PPAs for a while (see 
https://launchpad.net/~maxb/+ppa-packages). He doesn't seem to have kept 
up with it lately, but I don't know if he actually ever officially 
stopped. You could talk with him about it. He has a client idling on 
#mercurial (freenode) much of the time. I just checked, and he is on there 
right now.

In any case, yes, building these for the community does make sense, and is
very public-spirited. :-)

I don't know whether Ubuntu makes any Ubuntu-specific changes to the 
Mercurial package, but Max might be able to tell you.

> To make this managable, I'd need some way of being notified of commits
> to the packaging repo you linked above. Do you know of any lists or so
> that one can subscribe to for this? Also we do need toirtoisehg. Is
> there a similar packaging repo (with announce list of some kind) for
> thg? Lastly, since the goal of all of this is to get easy access to the
> evolve extension, I'd be looking at packaging that as well so I can
> easily roll it out to my 45 machines. I assume that at this stage there
> is no packaging repo for evolve?! In that case, is there some kind of
> announce list for the evolve repo itself that would make it easier for
> me to decide when to pull and re-package the extension?

As Pierre-Yves said, the evolve extension includes Debian packaging. I
have been building Debian packages myself from it, though I don't know if
anyone else has. As you can see from the history, I've also contributed
some patches to the Debian packaging.

Note that `apt-cache showsrc pkgname` often lists the Debian packaging
repos for pkgname if it exists.  I don't know of a way to track it
unless someone has set up notification, but you could contact the
relevant people and ask them. So, for example

     apt-cache showsrc tortoisehg

gives on my machine gives for the version of tortoisehg in unstable:

Package: tortoisehg
Binary: tortoisehg, tortoisehg-nautilus
Version: 3.1.1-1
Maintainer: Ludovico Cavedon <cavedon at debian.org>
Uploaders: Max Bowsher <maxb at f2s.com>
Vcs-Browser: http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=collab-maint/tortoisehg.git
Vcs-Git: git://anonscm.debian.org/collab-maint/tortoisehg.git     <============= DEBIAN PACKAGING REPOS

> I'm sure I can and will certainly try to find answers to these questions
> myself online. So if you don't know the answers, ignore them. But if you
> can answer them off-hand, that would be awesome.

Hope the above was helpful.

                                                            Regards, Faheem

> Cheers,
> Seb
> On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 2:04 AM, Faheem Mitha <faheem at faheem.info> wrote:
>       On Tue, 11 Nov 2014, Faheem Mitha wrote:
>             3.1.1 is the current version in Debian. The package has not yet been updated
>             to 3.2. You should use 3.2 once it comes out in Debian. Rebuilding it on
>             Ubuntu is trivial.
>             I think Javi Merino (who currently seems to be the sole active member of the
>             Debian Mercurial team) hasn't got around to it yet. Jordi just pinged me on
>             #mercurial as follows:
>                faheem_: Still no hg 3.2 in Debian. Think that Javi needs help?
>             I imagine that Jordi is subscribed to the evolve-testers list, but I am CCing
>             him anyway.
>             I tried resyncing the Debian patches against 3.1 for 3.2rc, but experienced
>             some problems, and dropped it. I'm not so familar with most of those Debian
>             patches, so didn't want to screw up.
>             Both Jordi and I would be willing to help Debian with packaging. (I probably
>             shouldn't speak for Jordi though.) I did once write (not long ago) to Debian
>             offering help, but got no reply.
>       Looks like Javi just uploaded to experimental and refreshed the patches. See https://bugs.debian.org/768022
>       If you want to see the patches, you can do
>       svn co svn://anonscm.debian.org/python-apps/packages/mercurial/trunk debian-mercurial
>                                                                     Regards, Faheem

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