Evolve with hg 2.8.2

Faheem Mitha faheem at faheem.info
Wed Nov 12 07:08:46 UTC 2014

On Wed, 12 Nov 2014, Sebastian Unger wrote:

> On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 11:39 AM, Faheem Mitha <faheem at faheem.info> wrote:

>       You could talk with him about it. He has a client idling on
>       #mercurial (freenode) much of the time. I just checked, and he is
>       on there right now.

> Ahh, freenode. That's something like IRC, right? Last time I used IRC
> was in 1992 when I was a sysadmin in the student lab at Uni. That's a
> pretty dusty corner in my brain but I'll see what I can work out and
> remember. ;-)

Right. That's the mercurial IRC channel, where the devs hang out, and some
users too. I recommend irccloud.com. It is a commercial service, but free
to use for basic usage. It is pretty easy to use.

>       I don't know whether Ubuntu makes any Ubuntu-specific changes to
>       the Mercurial package, but Max might be able to tell you.

> I checked the mercurial debian packaging repo you sent against the
> Ubuntu package for mercurial in 14.10 and they are identical (at a
> certain point in the history of the packaging repo which is not the head
> but easy to find).


>       [...]
>       Vcs-Browser: http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=collab-maint/tortoisehg.git
>       Vcs-Git: git://anonscm.debian.org/collab-maint/tortoisehg.git    <============= DEBIAN PACKAGING REPOS

> Yeah, that's what I found via google. Though upon closer inspection that
> appears to be the entire package source, not just the debian packaging.
> But again, that's not a huge deal.

Note that tortoisehg tries to stay in sync with mercurial, so a mercurial
release is usually closely followed by a tortoisehg release.

>             I'm sure I can and will certainly try to find answers to
>             these questions myself online. So if you don't know the
>             answers, ignore them. But if you can answer them
>             off-hand, that would be awesome.

>       Hope the above was helpful.
> It most certainly was.

Glad to hear it.

         Regards, Faheem

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