Fixing divergent changesets

Bryan Murdock bmurdock at
Thu Nov 13 18:55:41 UTC 2014

On Thu, Nov 13, 2014 at 10:28 AM,  <MHarbison at> wrote:
> Bryan Murdock <bmurdock at> wrote on 11/13/2014 11:25:09 AM:
>> From: Bryan Murdock <bmurdock at>
>> To: MHarbison at,
>> Cc: evolve-testers at
>> Date: 11/13/2014 11:25 AM
>> Subject: Re: Fixing divergent changesets
>> When I get into situations where evolve isn't doing what I want, I
>> just start using rebase to manually arrange the changesets how I want
>> them.  You should *not* have to make a new clone and start over.
>> Bryan
> I tried it in my sample repo and the rebase works in moving the descendants
> over like you and David said (not sure why I didn't think about that), but
> A' and B stay marked as 'divergent', like I thought would happen.

If you don't need A' and B anymore you can hg kill/prune them.


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