hg evolve command usability problems

Faheem Mitha faheem at faheem.info
Fri Jan 16 00:32:12 UTC 2015

On Fri, 16 Jan 2015, Angel Ezquerra wrote:

> TL;DR: I tried to use evolve. The experience was... not great.

Hi Angel,

If it is not too much trouble, can you give a reproduction script to set 
up the original state, i.e.

"When I pulled from mercurial's main repo I got A', C' and E', which made 
A, C and E obsolete. This also made B, D and F unstable."

and then give the list of evolve commands that you used to try to fix it?

A recipe that does not depend on the current state fo the mercurial repos 
would be better, but would also be more work.

That way, the rest of us can try to follow along. Also, what versions of 
mercurial and evolve are you using?

                                                         Regards, Faheem

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