evolve 5.1.5 is out

Pierre-Yves David pierre-yves.david at ens-lyon.org
Tue Jun 23 22:42:04 UTC 2015

Good news everyones!

I've just pushed a tag for evolve 5.1.5, as the previous one this 
version is compatible from Mercurial 3.3 to 3.4 (and the default 
branch). Upgrade should be harmless, please do it.

This version multiple minor improvement and bug fixes:

- Some minor cleanup of the documentation (thanks Greg Ward)

- support -i option for `hg amend` if commit supports it (3.4)

- evolve: stop reporting divergence base as missing when we actually
have it

- prune no longer move the active bookmark for no reason (issue4559)

- fix the `debugrecordpruneparents` utility for those with very old obsstore

- fix some possible crash during `hg evolve` abort

- fix simple4server bug tracker URL

- compatibility with latest change in future Mercurial 3.5

- significant performance improvement for all revsets.

I expect another featureful version in a couple of day, Laurent 
Charignon just completed a massive rewrite of the `hg evolve` logic that 
bring significant improvement to the command user interface and experience.

Pierre-Yves David

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