Evolve feedbacks

Gilles Moris gilles.moris at free.fr
Tue May 19 07:07:21 UTC 2015

I am currently a beginner with evolve, though I have followed the 
introduction of the concepts those last years.

Currently, I am a MQ user. I introduced its usage at work, and everybody 
is pleased with its use, though it have some limitations that evolve 
remedy elegantly.
First, I am overall pleased with the usage of evolve, so I won't come 
back on its intrinsics quality, like non destructiveness, easy merging 
of downstream patches, etc...

So below is what I am missing currently. May be some of those already 

- I would have expected an "evolve --list", much like there is a 
"resolve --list". Basically, I need a roadmap of all the evolutions I 
need to perform to stabilize my work tree. I guess this could be 
partially addressed with some revsets, or "summary --verbose". But I am 
expecting more than that. What are the suspended changesets that make 
some commits unstable ? What is the public commit that bumped my 
changeset? What is the list of divergent commit? I would expect an 
"evolve --list" to give that. Giving the phases in the summary command 
was part of the same move.

- Even though evolve is non destructive, it is not obvious how to 
recover that past information:
   * I use allprecursors() revset to get access to that, but for a 
typical user, it is not very easy to understand which revset to use. In 
addition, it usually won't display anything, which is my second bullet:
   * I think some revsets, implying hidden commit should probably 
implicitely trigger --hidden. I don't know if this can be considered a 
bug, but having to do: "hg log -r 'hidden()' --hidden" seems weird. And 
the "--hidden" flag is not very dicoverable, buried in hg help -v (which 
might be on purpose). The same could apply to precursors(), successors().
   * Is there a way to display the meta-graph of the precursors / 
successors of a commit ? This would enable to show how we get to a 
particular commit.
   * By extension, I would like to see the incremental diffs introduced 
by each  precursor. A dumb implementation for a linear obsolete 
meta-graph can be made by doing repeatidly: "hg diff --hidden --rev 
precuror1 --rev precursor2". Note again --hidden needed. Note also that 
rebase will bring unrelated changes into the diff. But at least, that's 
a start.

- With prune, you can remove a patch in a linear series. How do you do 
the reverse? Insert a new patch in a linear series. AFAICS, this 
implies: hg update + hg commit + hg rebase. Right? If yes, this may 
deserve a command, much like prune.
   * Related: what would be the equivalent to: hg qpush --move. A few 
   * Generalization: how do you handle patch re-ordering with evolve?

- I did not find any high level roadmap of the roll out of evolve. Will 
it be merged back in the main HG repo as an extension? What are the 
condition for that? What is the plan to merge it as standard HG 
commands? When will that happen? What is missing for that to happen?

PS: given the low traffic on evolve mailing list, should this go to 
mercurial-devel instead?

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