When should a user prefer one of `hg amend` or `hg commit --amend`?

Long Vu long.vu at intelerad.com
Fri Oct 23 19:47:37 UTC 2015

So both add the uncommitted changes in the workdir into the new commit
and obsolete the original one.

`hg amend` create a "temporary amend commit" while `hg commit --amend` do not.

`hg amend` has -D which can replace `hg qrefresh -D` while `hg commit
--amend` do not.

So if we need -D, then need to use `hg amend`, otherwise `hg commit
--amend` is preferred to not have the temporary amend commit
cluttering up the repo?

Is that an acceptable answer or there is technical difference under
the hood that makes one superior than the other?

Long Vu | Build Controller | Intelerad | +1-514-931-6222 ext. 7743


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