Difficulties with permanence of obsolete markers

Scott Bilas scobi at unity3d.com
Tue Aug 2 13:38:31 UTC 2016

There is one more wrinkle that I would appreciate some advice on.

In order to give ourselves an escape hatch, we started using `--keep` to
permit review of the rebase/histedit, plus a later prune to "commit" the
edit. However, this apparently makes evolve lose the path for unstable
commits. Rather than evolving children of a rebased commit to the new
commit, it wants to move them to the first un-pruned ancestor, which is
usually the wrong place.

It makes sense to me why this is happening - by splitting the graft from
prune, we're probably stopping setup of a pointer for evolve to follow.

So we're in a situation where either we rebase, and have no easy+safe
ability to undo (as per my original email), or we split the operations, and
lose the easy+safe ability of evolve to pick the correct new parent.

I'm inclined to go back to ordinary rebase, and write a scripty local tool
(my python/hgext powers are very weak) to support undo of a messed up
rebase/histedit via debugobsolete.

Any advice for us? :)


On Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 2:52 PM, Scott Bilas <scobi at unity3d.com> wrote:

> > Am I misunderstanding anything about evolve here? Any guidance on how we
>> > can improve our workflow?
>> Something that emerged from evolve beta testing is that there is things
>> you "can edit" (draft) but probably should not (eg: other people
>> changesets, things currently in review). We'll likely grow some
>> mechanism to warn the user about probably harmful action, requiring
>> extra confirmation for the operation.
> Yes, I find myself wanting a special phase for "published draft". :)
>> Something quite similar currently in the making is the detection of edit
>> that will create divergence, preventing user to shoot themselves in the
>> foot by default. For there will likely expand the logic to fit more
>> case. Eventually this should help your usecase more definitely.
> Very happy to hear.
>> I hope this message helped you getting a grasp of how much of your
>> struggle is by design and how much is by partial implementation.
> Yes, this was very helpful, thank you.
> Scott
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