About evolve extension

Arne Babenhauserheide arne_bab at web.de
Wed Dec 21 08:51:10 UTC 2016

Hi Jan,

Thank you for your report!

I’m forwarding your mail to the evolve-testers list (see the

Best wishes,

Jan Vrany writes:


I'd like to share my experience. 

I'm using evolve extension extensively for more than
a year now in a not-so-trivial setup (multiple
shared repositories on development machine then pushed
to staging server 1 then pushed to staging server 2,
bug found there, amend on my machine, push amended
changeset to staging 1, then staging 2...that sort of

Ever since I started using it I don't remember a single
moment like "Ug, what's going on here?" It always did what
I expected. I never bothered to study the internals or
the documentation because it just works for me and always
behaved well. It might have rough edges here and there - but
I never saw them. 

Evolve is really a killing feature for me. Is well
engineered with clean and simple user interface. 

Many, many thanks to all who worked hard to make
my life easy and fun :-) Well done, guys!

Best, Jan

Unpolitisch sein
heißt politisch sein
ohne es zu merken
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