Difficulties with permanence of obsolete markers

Scott Bilas scobi at unity3d.com
Tue Jun 28 07:59:39 UTC 2016

We're using evolve on my team, and are having difficulty with obsolete
being a permanent one-way operation. (Unless I'm missing an evolve feature
that lets us undo this, though I scanned the help and could not find

Everything we do in hg for a non-evolve local repo is reversible, like
changing phase, applying and stripping patches.. Yet if someone
accidentally prunes/rebases/histedits the wrong thing in their
evolve-enabled local repo, there's no going back. We're forced to 'touch'
it back into existence, and then this has repercussions for the rest of the
team once pushed, because new hashes.

I assume what we're running into is an explicit design decision to avoid
instability. The end result is that it's making our people very tentative
about doing hist editing and fully trusting evolve.

Our 'solution' so far to undo addition of obsolete markers has been the
nuclear option: re-clone. That's the only way we know of to avoid the local
obsolete markers poisoning the server on next push.

Am I misunderstanding anything about evolve here? Any guidance on how we
can improve our workflow?

Many thanks in advance,

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