Difficulties with permanence of obsolete markers

Lars Westerhoff lars.westerhoff at newtec.eu
Wed Jun 29 08:25:49 UTC 2016


Am 28.06.2016 um 09:59 schrieb Scott Bilas:
> We're using evolve on my team, and are having difficulty with obsolete
> being a permanent one-way operation. (Unless I'm missing an evolve
> feature that lets us undo this, though I scanned the help and could not
> find anything..)
> [...]
> I assume what we're running into is an explicit design decision to avoid
> instability. The end result is that it's making our people very
> tentative about doing hist editing and fully trusting evolve.
> [...]

I also assume that it is by design as it completely defies the purpose
of obsolete markers if they are deleted if the affected changesets may
have been shared.

That said, if you can ensure that the obsolete marker of the badly
marked commit has not been shared, you can use "hg debugobsolete" to
delete single obsolete markers:

hg debugobsolete --index
hg debugobsolete --delete $INDEX

The first outputs the list of obsolete markers with their indices, the
second deletes the obsolete marker with the given index.

Don't pass a hash to "hg debugobsolete --index" as I first did: It won't
show the index of the passed hash, but instead creates a new obsolete
marker for it. Well, was a good chance to assure myself that above tip
indeed worked ;)

Best regards,

Lars Westerhoff
Senior Software Engineer
E-mail: lars.westerhoff at newtec.eu

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