"comparing with other", push / pull slow.

Pierre-Yves David pierre-yves.david at ens-lyon.org
Wed May 4 15:31:22 UTC 2016

What is the slow step and how much slow are we talking about? There is a 
"obsolescence markers discovery" phase in evolve that is know to have 
issue and will get speed up with a more definitive solution at some point.

On 05/04/2016 05:00 PM, Bryan Murdock wrote:
> On Tue, May 3, 2016 at 10:56 PM, John Carter <john.carter at taitradio.com> wrote:
>> So I have just started using evolve.
>> I'm finding push and pull to remote repo frustratingly slow as is counts
>> it's way through all the changesets in the repo.
>> Is there any trick I can play to avoid or reduce the dread "comparing with
>> other" count?
> Not sure what causes that slowdown, but if you have a lot of hidden
> changesets (because you have done a lot of rebasing, amending,
> folding, etc) and you thinking getting rid of them will help, you can
> strip all those out of your history with this command:
> hg strip --hidden -r 'obsolete()'
> That will create a backup bundle of everything that it removes, so
> it's not dangerous to run it.
> Bryan
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