Vanished Files in clean working copy

Sebastian Unger sebunger44 at
Thu Nov 10 00:11:09 UTC 2016

Ok, I have re-tested with V 4.0~trusty1 from the PPA and the same problems
occurred plus one new one.

I'll file a bug as suggested above.


On 10 November 2016 at 12:59, Nathan Goldbaum <nathan12343 at> wrote:

> Yes:
> Mercurial is also quite easy to build from source and use in the source
> checkout. Just "make local".
> On Wednesday, November 9, 2016, Sebastian Unger <sebunger44 at>
> wrote:
>> That will take a while since I'm stuck on Ubuntu Xenial at the moment. Is
>> there an official PPA for mercurial perhaps?
>> Cheers,
>> Seb
>> On 10 November 2016 at 12:52, Pierre-Yves David <
>> pierre-yves.david at> wrote:
>>> On 11/10/2016 12:41 AM, Sebastian Unger wrote:
>>>> Hi Guys,
>>>> I have just run into an interesting little problem. Using the commands
>>>> in the attached shell script, I can get a working copy into a state
>>>> where it says it is clean but is missing some files.
>>>> I'm using ubuntu's mercurial package V 3.7.3-1ubuntu1 and evolve V 5.5.0
>>>> as released.
>>> Can you upgrade to latest mercurial, retest and file a bug on
>>> if it is still there ?
>>> Thanks,
>>> --
>>> Pierre-Yves David
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