Nested Topic branch

Pierre-Yves David pierre-yves.david at
Tue Jul 25 12:28:44 UTC 2017

On 07/21/2017 10:51 PM, Long Vu wrote:
> Hi,
> With evolve + named branch, for some long lived and complex feature,
> we would have a team/feature named branch and then each dev have a
> personal name branch off from that team branch.
> So the hierarchy is official release branch -> team/feature branch ->
> personal branch.
> The personal branches would be frequently release to the team/feature
> branch.  But the team/feature branch would take several months, even a
> year to release back to the official release branch and go out to
> customers.
> So using topic, the personal branch would be a topic created from
> another topic that is the team/feature branch.

The "personal branch" seems to fit the topic target use case well, 
because it is "frequently release to the team feature branch". So 
keeping that branch draft seems to make senses.

On the other hand, the team/feature branch does not fits topic too well. 
It is long lived (month, years…). So we want to keep a frozen history 
here and turn its content 'public' sooner when it is done.

Topic fades away when the changesets is turned public, so you cannot use 
topic for such team/feature branch. (unless you keep it draft for month 
which seems a bad idea)

I recommend sticking to the named branch for the team/feature branch and 
only use topic for the shorter/personnal work targeted to it.

> Is nesting of topic branch supported?  Is there a max number of nesting level?
> Will releasing back to the parent topic works if the parent topic is
> also in a non-publishing repo (vs releasing to the official release
> branch that is in a publishing repo).

We do not have anything special for nesting topic so far. This is 
something we are interested in but for now, efforts are more focused on 
getting the basics right and efficient.


Pierre-Yves David

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