[README] evolve 6.0.0 has been released (available on pypi)

Pierre-Yves David pierre-yves.david at ens-lyon.org
Fri Mar 31 14:18:02 UTC 2017

Good new everyone, I've pushed a new release of evolve: 6.0.0

There are many large changes around packages organization and 
compatibility in this version. Please read to check if you are impacted.


- push: improved detection of obsoleted remote branches (issue4354)


This is now available on Pypi!

If you have been using evolve from a clone I recommend switching to the 
official packages. Details are available here:


Move to hgext3rd

Another major changes is the migration from 'hgext.evolve' to 
'hgext3rd.evolve' to match the official namespace for third party 
extension that I introduced in Mercurial 3.8.

In addition to the usual 'evolve' extensions, we also officially ship an 
'evolve.serveronly' extensions. That extensions enables only the part 
related to exchange and is intended to be used by server. Using the 
extension will enable obsmarker exchange globally, In multi repositories 
setup, use 'experimental.evolution=!' to disable exchange.

In addition, this release adds the independant "topic" experimental 
extensions. See the README.topic file for details. The topic extensions 
should help smoothing some aspect of the evolve users experience, stay 
tuned for more update on that front.

Dropped compatibility

As a result all compatibility before 3.8 have been dropped.

The old and unused 'pushexperiment' extension have been dropped from the 

the 'debugrecordpruneparents' have been moved into the 'evolve.legacy' 
separate extension. enable that extentions if you need to convert/update 
markers in an old repository.

The old '__temporary__.advertiseobsolete' option is no longer supported. 
Use experimental.evolution=!'.

Obsmarkers discover

Last but not least, a new prototype of obsmarker discovery is available. 
The prototype is still at early stage and not recommended for 
production. Examples of current limitations:

   - write access to the repo is highly recommended for all operations,
   - large memory footprint,
   - initial caching is slow,
   - unusable on large repo (because of various issue pointed earlier),
   - likely to contains various bugs.

It can be tested by setting `experimental.obshashrange=1` on both client 
and server. It is recommended to get in touch with the evolve maintainer 
(me) if you decide to test it.


Pierre-Yves David

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