Evolve 6.2.0 released (new command!)

Pierre-Yves David pierre-yves.david at ens-lyon.org
Thu May 18 22:24:44 UTC 2017

I've pushed a new release for evolution: 6.2.0

There are notable improvements in this release

  * a new full "olog" command to look at the obsolescence history,
  * significant improvement to the recent cache work.

As for the previous one, this release is available on PyPI. Please 
upgrade. Full changelog below:

  - olog: a new command to inspect the obs-history of a changeset
          (hg-4.0 + only),
  - blackbox: log more information about discovery and cache computation,

  - obscache: more efficient update in the (rare) case of a transaction
              adding markers without changesets,
  - obscache: fix more cache invalidation propagation,
  - obscache: also enable the new cache for 'evolve.server-only',
  - obshashrange-cache: update incrementally in the (common) case of a
                        transaction not affecting existing range,
  - obshashrange-cache: keep the cache warm after each transaction,

  - topic: now requires Mercurial 4.0 or above,
  - topic: have thg display topic name if possible,
  - stack: now display if current revision is in bad state (issue5533),
  - stack: fix json output to be valid json.


Pierre-Yves David

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