Evolve 6.3.0 released

Pierre-Yves David pierre-yves.david at ens-lyon.org
Wed May 31 12:42:18 UTC 2017

I've pushed a new release for evolution: 6.3.0

First, this version fix for an old bug with obsmarkers discovery. We 
recommend upgrading client and server together as soon as possible to 
avoid extra time and bandwidth usage.
for details)

There are notable changes in this release

  - obsmarkers discovery fix (see above)

  - template: add a 'precursors' template that display the closests 
precursors of changesets

  - template: add a 'successors' template that display the closests 
successors set of changesets

  - obslog: add an '--all' option to show the whole obsolescence history 

  - evolution: add an experiment to track the effect of rewrites.
    (See hg help - evolve for details)

As for the previous one, this release is available on PyPI. Please
upgrade. Full changelog below:

  - exchange: fix the "relevant-markers" algorithm to include inline prune.

    This will impact discovery of obsmarkers between server and client 
if one still uses the old algorithm. Please upgrade both clients and 
servers as soon as possible. (See changeset 176d1a0ce385 in core 
Mercurial for details)

  - obsdiscovery: add a config flag to disable all obsmarkers discovery 
(See hg help - evolve for details)
  - obsmarker discovery experiment: add options to restrict memory 
consumption on large repository (see "hg help -e evolve" for details).
  - template: add a 'obsfate' template that display how a changeset has 


Pierre-Yves David

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