Can Evolve be used to retire or archive an early part of the history?

Aurélien Campéas aurelien.campeas at
Mon Oct 16 19:24:11 UTC 2017


Le 16/10/2017 à 17:45, BOGGESS Rod   TENOVA INC a écrit :
> We have a baseline copy of our code that is cloned at the start of each 
> project. Modifications typically involve customizations for a given 
> customer, but a few enhancements and bug-fixes go through a review 
> process and are incorporated back into the baseline. As a result, our 
> baseline grows ever longer. So fare, we’re not in any danger of the 
> number of revisions creating a problem, but the likelihood of ever doing 
> a daggy change is as close to zero as to be unworthy of distinction. 
> There is only the historical value for reference that need only be 
> maintained on the server, with no need to carry that history to each 
> developer’s and each customer’s cloned repo. I don’t see an obvious way 
> to mark a part of past history for reference-only though. Marking the 
> past history as obsolete doesn’t seem to work for this case. I was 
> wondering if there were a mechanism that would allow this.

Not sure if I understand you well but ... you can keep fixing your
baseline/boostrap chunk of history in its own repo, and when
creating a new repo for customization, you just clone that history
and *fold* all its changesets into just one, initial "baseline commit".


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