hg clone --uncompressed do not clone obsmarkers so all obsoleted changesets are back to life (public phase)

Long Vu long.vu at intelerad.com
Tue Aug 14 16:14:48 UTC 2018

Hi Faheem,

Thanks for looking into this, reply below.

On Mon, Aug 13, 2018 at 5:20 PM, Faheem Mitha <faheem at faheem.info> wrote:

> On Mon, 13 Aug 2018, Long Vu wrote:
> Hi,
> I was wondering if this is by design or a bug.
> If we hg clone --uncompressed (because --uncompressed is an order of
>> magnitude faster for big repos on generaldelta format) all the previously
>> obsoleted changesets are back to life (public phase).
> This behavior is different than hg clone without --uncompressed which only
>> clone not obsoleted changesets and will keep the draft phase accordingly.
> Is there a way to force re-transfer all the obsmarkers after an hh clone
>> --uncompressed?
> Thanks,
> It sounds like a bug to me. I can't see any reason why --uncompressed
> should cause such different behavior. But can you write a small
> reproduction recipe?

You just need a repo on the server with commits still in draft phase.

hg clone --uncompressed of that repo and all those commits in draft phase
turned public phase.

And hg clone without --uncompressed and all those commits in draft phase
will stay draft.

> I suppose you have publish = False set for phases locally? I.e.
>     [phases]
>     publish = False

I do not set "phases.publish = False" locally.

As far as I understand, we only need to set "phases.publish = False" on the
server.  Or has evolve workflow requirement changed?

> in .hgrc. I'd check with the developers on IRC (#hg-evolve on freenode),
> and if they agree it is a bug, I would report a bug to the Mercurial bug
> reporting system.
> Regards, Faheem Mitha

Let me know the BZ number once you logged it.  Thanks.

Long Vu | Software Developer, Tools & Infrastructure | Intelerad |
+1-514-931-6222 ext. 7743


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