Evolve 7.2.0 released

Arne Babenhauserheide arne_bab at web.de
Tue Jan 16 19:27:12 UTC 2018

Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david at ens-lyon.org> writes:

> I've pushed a new release of evolve and topic.

That’s awesome! Thank you very much!

> As usual, the release is available on pypi and upgrade is recommended.
> This version comes with the usual various bug fixes and improvement. It 
> also includes a large rework of the experimental obsolescence markers 
> discovery protocol we call "obshashrange". The newer protocol is faster 
> to compute and cache. It was able to handle all the repositories it has 
> been tested on (up to around 1 millions revisions).

Wow …

>    * evolve: changes to the on-disk format for interrupted evolve
>    * evolve: --continue now properly preserve phase (issue5720)
>    * evolve: --continue now properly reports merges as evolve
>    * commit: suggest using topic on new heads

That sounds like evolve now provides a full set of efficient, scaling,
safely mutable interaction. Thank you!

Do you have a short tutorial for testing its features?

Best wishes,
Unpolitisch sein
heißt politisch sein
ohne es zu merken
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