add a topic but not a head

Uwe Brauer oub at
Thu Jun 13 12:29:40 UTC 2019

>>> "PD" == Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david at> writes:

> latest version is 9.0.0 (however, the lastest verison with 4.4 support
> is 8.5.1 IIRC)


Here is what I did,

I changed to the evolve source directory which I had cloned already.

 hg up 8.5.1
 pip install --user .

 Hg version -v 
 evolve                  external  8.5.1
 topic                   external  0.14.1

But again 

hg topics topic2 -r 1::3

Created various heads. 

If I understand you correctly I have to upgrade my mercurial version?


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