Recent evolve --all changes

Josef 'Jeff' Sipek jeffpc at
Sat May 4 02:39:16 UTC 2019

On Fri, May 03, 2019 at 00:04:01 +0200, Pierre-Yves David wrote:
> On 4/29/19 10:32 PM, Kyle Lippincott wrote:
> > I believe `hg next` will automatically evolve now, so that might be 
> > sufficient for your use case?
> Yes, the recommended way to stabilize your children on at a time is `hg 
> next`. I has been the "official" way to do so for a couple of version.

It took me a couple of days to fully exercise 'hg next'.  Indeed that does
what I wanted.

Was this change communicated to the users?  It should have been.  It's
possible that I just missed it. :)

> (Yes I understand existing user need to be retrained)
> I am still recommending incremental stabilization, for your day to day 
> workflow, the interface to do this just shifted to `prev/next` (and 
> checkout `hg stack` from the topic extensions too). Evolve move to be a 
> more "secondary" command  more focused on dealing with consequences of 
> exchanging draft, and less about stacked draft local workflow.

Makes sense and I'm fine with this behavior change.  It just caught me by
surprise with no indication what the "proper" way to do incremental
stabilization was.

Thanks for the explanation!


Hegh QaQ law'
quvHa'ghach QaQ puS

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