Recent evolve --all changes
Pierre-Yves David
pierre-yves.david at
Sun May 5 18:12:13 UTC 2019
On 5/4/19 4:39 AM, Josef 'Jeff' Sipek wrote:
> On Fri, May 03, 2019 at 00:04:01 +0200, Pierre-Yves David wrote:
>> On 4/29/19 10:32 PM, Kyle Lippincott wrote:
> ...
>>> I believe `hg next` will automatically evolve now, so that might be
>>> sufficient for your use case?
>> Yes, the recommended way to stabilize your children on at a time is `hg
>> next`. I has been the "official" way to do so for a couple of version.
> It took me a couple of days to fully exercise 'hg next'. Indeed that does
> what I wanted.
Happy to see that the replacement is suitable
> Was this change communicated to the users? It should have been. It's
> possible that I just missed it. :)
This kind of changes areusually mentionned in the release announcement
for a previous version. In this case the change to --all is
pre-announced here
The new behavior is not released yet. So it will be part of the new
release changelog.
>> (Yes I understand existing user need to be retrained)
>> I am still recommending incremental stabilization, for your day to day
>> workflow, the interface to do this just shifted to `prev/next` (and
>> checkout `hg stack` from the topic extensions too). Evolve move to be a
>> more "secondary" command more focused on dealing with consequences of
>> exchanging draft, and less about stacked draft local workflow.
> Makes sense and I'm fine with this behavior change. It just caught me by
> surprise with no indication what the "proper" way to do incremental
> stabilization was.
We probably need to rework evolve help to make it clearer and point to
`hg next`. Do you want to give a stab at doing so?
Pierre-Yves David
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