Convenient metaedit

Pierre-Yves David pierre-yves.david at
Mon May 6 13:23:37 UTC 2019

On 5/6/19 9:06 AM, Aurélien Campéas wrote:
> On 05/05/2019 21:00, Pierre-Yves David wrote:
> [...]
>> 200 → 20000 markers total (100.0 per changeset)
>> To provide more numbers: 10 or 20 is a common stack size, and we 
>> regularly see people building stack in the "hundreds of changesets" 
>> range. And so far, I usually see an average of 10 markers per 
>> changesets at the end of series with a lot of rework. (So adding even 
>> 10 marker/changesetswith a single operation has a significant impact).
>> My most important source of concerns here are basic users with 
>> hundreds of draft that would routinely run commands that seems 
>> harmless but actually creates hundreds of markers, creating a scaling 
>> ticking bomb. That would be bad for both the user and the project.
> But markers are very lightweight compared to changesets.
> Where do you see the ticking bomb exactly ?

They are lightweight, but still requires processing. I don't want to 
have an infinite amount of them created because the algorithm and 
scaling we will put in place will likely have trouble with arbitrarily 
large amount of markers per changeset (tens is fine, hundreds seems 
okay, thousands will be rough, etc)

Pierre-Yves David

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