tag handling inconsistent

Ernie Rael errael at raelity.com
Mon Nov 25 00:58:22 UTC 2019

(I didn't see a pointer to archive, so couldn't check if this has been 

I'm back, last time mq was the way to go, now I'm learning evolve, very 

Before starting to play with evolve there was

    changeset:   48:0c485dd33116
    summary:     Added tag HAS_ANCIENTS for changeset 73352c15295d

    changeset:   47:73352c15295d
    tag:         HAS_ANCIENTS
    summary:     fixup pom for release to maven central.

after my circuitous and playful actions there is

    changeset:   53:fc6cf2380bab
    summary:     Added tag HAS_ANCIENTS for changeset 12f9f63bb1a3

    changeset:   52:12f9f63bb1a3
    tag:         HAS_ANCIENT_NB_HACKS <<< tag/name my fixup and a manual
    name change >>>
    parent:      45:18dd487d7435
    summary:     Maven update center. Basically all defaults. Add to pom
    for maven central.

Note that the summary of 53 references the 52 changeset after evolving, 
ok cool, that's the right spot

Problem is that the .hgtags file was not updated. And "hg tags" didn't 
show anything for HAS_ANCIENTS though the name was still in the .hgtags 
file. (and I don't think 52 displayed a "tag:..." after evolution and 
before I manually fixed things up).


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