tag handling inconsistent

Ernie Rael errael at raelity.com
Mon Nov 25 08:01:39 UTC 2019

On 11/24/2019 10:22 PM, Faheem Mitha wrote:
> On Sun, 24 Nov 2019, Ernie Rael wrote:
>> Problem is that the .hgtags file was not updated. And "hg tags" 
>> didn't show anything for HAS_ANCIENTS though the name was still in 
>> the .hgtags file. (and I don't think 52 displayed a "tag:..." after 
>> evolution and before I manually fixed things up).
>> -ernie
> It would be helpful if you could provide a complete, self-contained 
> example exhibiting the problem.
> Regards, Faheem Mitha
I'm so glad it was straightforward to reproduce... Run following steps 
like: "sh steps".

Oh and mercurial 5.0.2. The results are slightly different from what I 
saw, in my case the tags file wasn't removed entirely, probably because 
there were earlier tags that were not involved in the evolving. In this 
case, the tag "tagfour", which was not involved in any folding, is also 
lost. The difference also might be that I did some evolve like "hg 
evolve -r 48" without being at tip, and had to do things "manually".



hg init c1
cd c1

echo zero > zero
echo one > one
echo two > two
echo four > four

hg add

hg ci -m zero zero
hg ci -m one one
hg ci -m two two

hg tag -r 2 tagtwo

hg ci -m four four
hg tag -r 4 tagfour

echo === hg log
hg log --template '{rev}:{node|short}  {desc|firstline}\n'

echo === hg tags
ls -l .hgtags
hg tags

echo === hg fold --exact -m 'one:two' -r 1:2
hg fold --exact -m 'one:two' -r 1:2

echo NOTE: at this point hg sum shows not at tip. Is this an issue?

echo === finish up
echo === hg update tip
hg update tip
echo === hg evolve
hg evolve

echo === hg tags
hg tags
ls -l .hgtags
echo NOTE: lost the tag and .hgtags file

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