tag handling inconsistent

Ernie Rael errael at raelity.com
Mon Nov 25 09:06:02 UTC 2019

On 11/25/2019 12:42 AM, Faheem Mitha wrote:
> On Mon, 25 Nov 2019, Ernie Rael wrote:
>> I'm so glad it was straightforward to reproduce... Run following 
>> steps like: "sh steps".
> Please submit a bug report. That doesn't mean it won't be forgotten or 
> auto-closed (ugh), but it's still worth doing, I think.
> Assuming you're sure it's a bug, of course.

I wasn't sure where to file the bug report. In searching I came across 
"Changesets Evolution - development page". There's a big section about 
"Tagging draft changeset", so it looks like a well known issue.

I'd think that warnings would be at least an interim solution. The other 
solutions, except for doing the right thing, look pretty onerous. A 
special obsolescence marker for tags...?


> Anyway, good work. Bugs aren't necessarily easy to reproduce.
> Regards, Faheem Mitha

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