commit with a default topic name

Uwe Brauer oub at
Tue Jul 14 17:08:59 UTC 2020

>>> "FH" == Friedrich Hagedorn <friedrich_h at> writes:

   > Hello,
   > it is possible according to the topic concept to add the following
   > configuration:

   >     [experimental]
   >     # behavior when commit is made without an active topic
   >     topic-mode = "mytopicname"  # default topic name instead of random

   > Maybe the syntax should be changed.

   > The reason behind this proposal is that on daily work I hesitate to
   > create a topic because it is too much concentration to think of an
   > appropriate topic name. But I really like the topic features. For that
   > reason I would like to choose a default topic name. It is the same like

What is the benefit of this approach? Why can't you just use the vanilla
default branch without a topic. The whole point of topic is to help you
distinguish changesets[1]. But a general topic is not really helpful, I think.

[1]  the only disadvantage of topics compared to named branches is you
     still can not make a no-fast-forward-merge.

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