the experimental force-topic feature does not work always.

Uwe Brauer oub at
Wed Jul 15 11:29:53 UTC 2020

Hi Pierre,

> Hi Uwe,
> Just a naive question: why do you still use the record extension?

Ah because I am stupid. ;-)

I found ci -i cumbersome to type so sometime ago I introduced the alias

crecord = commit -i

Then one day I typed by error

 hg record 

Instead of 

hg crecord

And it worked. I thought I had also this alias but no I still had the
record extension turned on. :-[

> In, it is written:

> This extensions is deprecated, the feature is now part of Mercurial core as hg commit --interactive. 

> Do you get the same buggy behavior with `hg commit --interactive` (without record activated) ?

No it does not 

hg commit --interactive 

Behaves just fine. Sorry for the noise

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