commit with a default topic name

Pierre-Yves David pierre-yves.david at
Thu Jul 16 15:28:07 UTC 2020

On 7/14/20 10:29 AM, Friedrich Hagedorn wrote:
> Hello,
> it is possible according to the topic concept to add the following
> configuration:
>      [experimental]
>      # behavior when commit is made without an active topic
>      topic-mode = "mytopicname"  # default topic name instead of random
> Maybe the syntax should be changed.
> The reason behind this proposal is that on daily work I hesitate to
> create a topic because it is too much concentration to think of an
> appropriate topic name. But I really like the topic features. For that
> reason I would like to choose a default topic name. It is the same like
>      [experimental]
>      # behavior when commit is made without an active topic
>      topic-mode = random # use a randomized generated topic
> but a little bit more predicable.
> WHat do you think?

I think this is a good idea. We could get a new config option to specify 
the topic name. Can you file a "wish" bug at `` ? 

Pierre-Yves David

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