evolve seems not to run when using hg compiled with python 3.5

Uwe Brauer oub at mat.ucm.es
Fri Nov 26 09:35:47 UTC 2021

 >  >   "FM" == Faheem Mitha <faheem at faheem.info>   writes:

Hi Faheem

>   Hi Uwe,

>   For Mercurial you can use the distribution packages. At least Debian now 
>   has 6.0, which should work if you rebuild it on Ubuntu. Ubuntu may have 
>   recent packages as well. You should check.

>   And Evolve has Debian packaging, so you can build that one on Ubuntu as 
>   well.

>   Regards, Faheem Mitha

Thanks, it seems that finally 

 make install-home

Worked, so I am relived.

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