Evolve 10.5.3 released

Anton Shestakov av6 at dwimlabs.net
Fri Dec 9 17:20:09 UTC 2022

We released a new version of the evolve extension: 10.5.3.

As usual, the release is available on PyPI as hg-evolve and upgrade is 

This is a bugfix release. In evolve extension, caches that use SQLite 
database will no longer prevent pushes from succeeding. In topic 
extension, topic cache is now invalidated when branch cache is 
invalidated, this fixes stale labels shown in TortoiseHg. And hg next 
now correctly evolves the destination in cases when there is a mix of 
stable and regular destinations for user to select. The extensions are 
also marked compatible with Mercurial 6.3 (no changes to code were 

Thanks to all the people involved:

  * Anton Shestakov <av6 at dwimlabs.net>
  * Matt Harbison <matt_harbison at yahoo.com>
  * Raphaël Gomès <rgomes at octobus.net>

## Evolve: 10.5.3

   * compatibility with Mercurial 6.3

   * evolve: make obs-hash-range cache and stable-range cache (that both 
use SQLite databases) slightly more tolerant to FS issues (issue6246)
   * evolve: adapt to Python 3.11 BC breakage with `random.sample()`

   * next: properly handle cases when user selects an aspiring child, 
making sure that the destination is evolved when needed

## Topic (0.24.2)

   * compatibility with Mercurial 6.3

   * topic: invalidate the topic cache when branchcache is invalidated, 
to fix an issue in TortoiseHg where stale topic labels appear in certain 

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