single developer on team using evolve

Pierre-Yves David pierre-yves.david at
Tue Apr 18 13:52:08 UTC 2023

you ~/.hgrc on your local machine should not impact the server 
configuration. Unless you are pushing with ssh and running with some 
kind of network file system making you ~/.hgrc read by the process doing 
the server side work.

On 4/18/23 15:49, Mitchell Elutovich wrote:
> I was experimenting with an intermediate repo (adjusted my development 
> repo to to have that as it's default) but had evolve turned on in my 
> ~/.hgrc; once I removed evolve from the ~/.hgrc, I don't see the 
> obsmakers being send to the intermediate repo and we don't have any 
> extensions turned on in our server
> Would having evolve turned on in my ~/.hgrc impact the server?  (so 
> that in the server's hgrc we might want to turn it off using evolve=!)
> On Tue, Apr 18, 2023 at 3:59 PM Pierre-Yves David 
> <pierre-yves.david at> wrote:
>     On 4/18/23 13:27, Mitchell Elutovich wrote:
>     > My question is basically similar to this stackover question.
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     > I would like myself to start using the evolve extension, however I
>     > don't think I can convince my entire team to use evolve, if they
>     are
>     > going to get messages like "obsolete feature not enabled but XY
>     > markers found!", I think they will not be happy with me.
>     >
>     > As in that question is there a way for "the server to not push the
>     > obsolete data to clients without evolve enabled"?  If not, would
>     the
>     > following work around help?
>     the obsolescence marker are not going to get pushed to a
>     repository that
>     does not have the feature enabled. So if you server does not have it
>     enabled, or the other developer client does not have it enabled, they
>     should not get the obsmarker.
>     What does your server setup and push/pull process looks like ? Do you
>     have the extension enabled server side ?
>     -- 
>     Pierre-Yves David
Pierre-Yves David

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