how to finish working on a topic

Danek Duvall duvall at
Thu Jan 4 21:46:02 UTC 2024

On Thu, Jan 04, 2024 at 09:33:34PM +0100, Pierre-Yves David wrote:

>On 1/4/24 20:57, Danek Duvall wrote:
>>On Thu, Jan 04, 2024 at 08:01:47PM +0100, Christophe de Vienne wrote:
>>>Hello Danek,
>>>The topic will "disappear" as soon as you change the changeset 
>>>phase to "public". The information is still in the changeset but 
>>>will not be displayed anymore.
>>Yes; that's exactly the thing I don't want to do.
>Why ? Both the user experience and the internal implementation rely on 
>the fact changeset move to the public phase eventually. What's your 
>rational for never doing so ?

Maybe it's more specific to me than I'd been thinking.  I eventually want to 
rewrite this repo to get rid of a couple of files (to make it suitable for 
sharing) and reorder the changesets to be date-ordered, but have been putting it 
off (and putting it off and ...).  So the entire repo has remained in the draft 
phase even while I'm continuing to add stuff to it.  Maybe one answer is to just 
make the whole thing a topic, and just stack others on top?  (I mean, I could do 
the work I intend to, but that seems *totally* unreasonable. :)

FWIW, `topics --clear -r ...` worked like a charm, where not specifying the 
revisions does the weird thing.


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