[Updated] D8473: packaging: support building Inno installer with PyOxidizer

indygreg (Gregory Szorc) phabricator at mercurial-scm.org
Thu Apr 30 05:53:27 UTC 2020

Closed by commit rHG9965d6c32a93: packaging: support building Inno installer with PyOxidizer (authored by indygreg).
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.
This revision was not accepted when it landed; it landed in state "Needs Review".

  rHG Mercurial






diff --git a/tests/test-check-code.t b/tests/test-check-code.t
--- a/tests/test-check-code.t
+++ b/tests/test-check-code.t
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
   Skipping contrib/packaging/hgpackaging/downloads.py it has no-che?k-code (glob)
   Skipping contrib/packaging/hgpackaging/inno.py it has no-che?k-code (glob)
   Skipping contrib/packaging/hgpackaging/py2exe.py it has no-che?k-code (glob)
+  Skipping contrib/packaging/hgpackaging/pyoxidizer.py it has no-che?k-code (glob)
   Skipping contrib/packaging/hgpackaging/util.py it has no-che?k-code (glob)
   Skipping contrib/packaging/hgpackaging/wix.py it has no-che?k-code (glob)
   Skipping i18n/polib.py it has no-che?k-code (glob)
diff --git a/rust/hgcli/pyoxidizer.bzl b/rust/hgcli/pyoxidizer.bzl
--- a/rust/hgcli/pyoxidizer.bzl
+++ b/rust/hgcli/pyoxidizer.bzl
@@ -1,13 +1,24 @@
 ROOT = CWD + "/../.."
-def make_exe():
-    dist = default_python_distribution()
+# Code to run in Python interpreter.
+RUN_CODE = "import hgdemandimport; hgdemandimport.enable(); from mercurial import dispatch; dispatch.run()"
+set_build_path(ROOT + "/build/pyoxidizer")
-    code = "import hgdemandimport; hgdemandimport.enable(); from mercurial import dispatch; dispatch.run()"
+def make_distribution():
+    return default_python_distribution()
+def make_distribution_windows():
+    return default_python_distribution(flavor="standalone_dynamic")
+def make_exe(dist):
     config = PythonInterpreterConfig(
         raw_allocator = "system",
-        run_eval = code,
+        run_eval = RUN_CODE,
         # We want to let the user load extensions from the file system
         filesystem_importer = True,
         # We need this to make resourceutil happy, since it looks for sys.frozen.
@@ -24,30 +35,65 @@
         extension_module_filter = "all",
-    exe.add_python_resources(dist.pip_install([ROOT]))
+    # Add Mercurial to resources.
+    for resource in dist.pip_install(["--verbose", ROOT]):
+        # This is a bit wonky and worth explaining.
+        #
+        # Various parts of Mercurial don't yet support loading package
+        # resources via the ResourceReader interface. Or, not having
+        # file-based resources would be too inconvenient for users.
+        #
+        # So, for package resources, we package them both in the
+        # filesystem as well as in memory. If both are defined,
+        # PyOxidizer will prefer the in-memory location. So even
+        # if the filesystem file isn't packaged in the location
+        # specified here, we should never encounter an errors as the
+        # resource will always be available in memory.
+        if type(resource) == "PythonPackageResource":
+            exe.add_filesystem_relative_python_resource(".", resource)
+            exe.add_in_memory_python_resource(resource)
+        else:
+            exe.add_python_resource(resource)
+    # On Windows, we install extra packages for convenience.
+    if "windows" in BUILD_TARGET_TRIPLE:
+        exe.add_python_resources(
+            dist.pip_install(["-r", ROOT + "/contrib/packaging/requirements_win32.txt"])
+        )
     return exe
-def make_install(exe):
+def make_manifest(dist, exe):
     m = FileManifest()
-    # `hg` goes in root directory.
     m.add_python_resource(".", exe)
-    templates = glob(
-        include = [ROOT + "/mercurial/templates/**/*"],
-        strip_prefix = ROOT + "/mercurial/",
-    )
-    m.add_manifest(templates)
+    return m
-    return m
 def make_embedded_resources(exe):
     return exe.to_embedded_resources()
-register_target("exe", make_exe)
-register_target("app", make_install, depends = ["exe"], default = True)
-register_target("embedded", make_embedded_resources, depends = ["exe"], default_build_script = True)
+register_target("distribution_posix", make_distribution)
+register_target("distribution_windows", make_distribution_windows)
+register_target("exe_posix", make_exe, depends = ["distribution_posix"])
+register_target("exe_windows", make_exe, depends = ["distribution_windows"])
+    "app_posix",
+    make_manifest,
+    depends = ["distribution_posix", "exe_posix"],
+    default = "windows" not in BUILD_TARGET_TRIPLE,
+    "app_windows",
+    make_manifest,
+    depends = ["distribution_windows", "exe_windows"],
+    default = "windows" in BUILD_TARGET_TRIPLE,
@@ -55,5 +101,4 @@
 # Everything below this is typically managed by PyOxidizer and doesn't need
 # to be updated by people.
-PYOXIDIZER_COMMIT = "c772a1379c3026314eda1c8ea244b86c0658951d"
diff --git a/contrib/packaging/hgpackaging/util.py b/contrib/packaging/hgpackaging/util.py
--- a/contrib/packaging/hgpackaging/util.py
+++ b/contrib/packaging/hgpackaging/util.py
@@ -29,7 +29,59 @@
-def find_vc_runtime_files(x64=False):
+def find_vc_runtime_dll(x64=False):
+    """Finds Visual C++ Runtime DLL to include in distribution."""
+    # We invoke vswhere to find the latest Visual Studio install.
+    vswhere = (
+        pathlib.Path(os.environ["ProgramFiles(x86)"])
+        / "Microsoft Visual Studio"
+        / "Installer"
+        / "vswhere.exe"
+    )
+    if not vswhere.exists():
+        raise Exception(
+            "could not find vswhere.exe: %s does not exist" % vswhere
+        )
+    args = [
+        str(vswhere),
+        # -products * is necessary to return results from Build Tools
+        # (as opposed to full IDE installs).
+        "-products",
+        "*",
+        "-requires",
+        "Microsoft.VisualCpp.Redist.14.Latest",
+        "-latest",
+        "-property",
+        "installationPath",
+    ]
+    vs_install_path = pathlib.Path(
+        os.fsdecode(subprocess.check_output(args).strip())
+    )
+    # This just gets us a path like
+    # C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community
+    # Actually vcruntime140.dll is under a path like:
+    # VC\Redist\MSVC\<version>\<arch>\Microsoft.VC14<X>.CRT\vcruntime140.dll.
+    arch = "x64" if x64 else "x86"
+    search_glob = (
+        r"%s\VC\Redist\MSVC\*\%s\Microsoft.VC14*.CRT\vcruntime140.dll"
+        % (vs_install_path, arch)
+    )
+    candidates = glob.glob(search_glob, recursive=True)
+    for candidate in reversed(candidates):
+        return pathlib.Path(candidate)
+    raise Exception("could not find vcruntime140.dll")
+def find_legacy_vc_runtime_files(x64=False):
     """Finds Visual C++ Runtime DLLs to include in distribution."""
     winsxs = pathlib.Path(os.environ['SYSTEMROOT']) / 'WinSxS'
diff --git a/contrib/packaging/hgpackaging/pyoxidizer.py b/contrib/packaging/hgpackaging/pyoxidizer.py
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/packaging/hgpackaging/pyoxidizer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+# pyoxidizer.py - Packaging support for PyOxidizer
+# Copyright 2020 Gregory Szorc <gregory.szorc at gmail.com>
+# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
+# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
+# no-check-code because Python 3 native.
+import os
+import pathlib
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+import sys
+from .downloads import download_entry
+from .util import (
+    extract_zip_to_directory,
+    process_install_rules,
+    find_vc_runtime_dll,
+    ('contrib/bash_completion', 'contrib/'),
+    ('contrib/hgk', 'contrib/hgk.tcl'),
+    ('contrib/hgweb.fcgi', 'contrib/'),
+    ('contrib/hgweb.wsgi', 'contrib/'),
+    ('contrib/logo-droplets.svg', 'contrib/'),
+    ('contrib/mercurial.el', 'contrib/'),
+    ('contrib/mq.el', 'contrib/'),
+    ('contrib/tcsh_completion', 'contrib/'),
+    ('contrib/tcsh_completion_build.sh', 'contrib/'),
+    ('contrib/vim/*', 'contrib/vim/'),
+    ('contrib/win32/postinstall.txt', 'ReleaseNotes.txt'),
+    ('contrib/win32/ReadMe.html', 'ReadMe.html'),
+    ('contrib/xml.rnc', 'contrib/'),
+    ('contrib/zsh_completion', 'contrib/'),
+    ('doc/*.html', 'doc/'),
+    ('doc/style.css', 'doc/'),
+    ('COPYING', 'Copying.txt'),
+    ('mercurial/helptext/**/*.txt', 'helptext/'),
+    ('mercurial/defaultrc/*.rc', 'defaultrc/'),
+    ('mercurial/locale/**/*', 'locale/'),
+    ('mercurial/templates/**/*', 'templates/'),
+    "doc/hg-ssh.8.html",
+def run_pyoxidizer(
+    source_dir: pathlib.Path,
+    build_dir: pathlib.Path,
+    out_dir: pathlib.Path,
+    target_triple: str,
+    """Build Mercurial with PyOxidizer and copy additional files into place.
+    After successful completion, ``out_dir`` contains files constituting a
+    Mercurial install.
+    """
+    # We need to make gettext binaries available for compiling i18n files.
+    gettext_pkg, gettext_entry = download_entry('gettext', build_dir)
+    gettext_dep_pkg = download_entry('gettext-dep', build_dir)[0]
+    gettext_root = build_dir / ('gettext-win-%s' % gettext_entry['version'])
+    if not gettext_root.exists():
+        extract_zip_to_directory(gettext_pkg, gettext_root)
+        extract_zip_to_directory(gettext_dep_pkg, gettext_root)
+    env = dict(os.environ)
+    env["PATH"] = "%s%s%s" % (
+        env["PATH"],
+        os.pathsep,
+        str(gettext_root / "bin"),
+    )
+    args = [
+        "pyoxidizer",
+        "build",
+        "--path",
+        str(source_dir / "rust" / "hgcli"),
+        "--release",
+        "--target-triple",
+        target_triple,
+    ]
+    subprocess.run(args, env=env, check=True)
+    if "windows" in target_triple:
+        target = "app_windows"
+    else:
+        target = "app_posix"
+    build_dir = (
+        source_dir / "build" / "pyoxidizer" / target_triple / "release" / target
+    )
+    if out_dir.exists():
+        print("purging %s" % out_dir)
+        shutil.rmtree(out_dir)
+    # Now assemble all the files from PyOxidizer into the staging directory.
+    shutil.copytree(build_dir, out_dir)
+    # Move some of those files around.
+    process_install_rules(STAGING_RULES_APP, build_dir, out_dir)
+    # Nuke the mercurial/* directory, as we copied resources
+    # to an appropriate location just above.
+    shutil.rmtree(out_dir / "mercurial")
+    # We also need to run setup.py build_doc to produce html files,
+    # as they aren't built as part of ``pip install``.
+    # This will fail if docutils isn't installed.
+    subprocess.run(
+        [sys.executable, str(source_dir / "setup.py"), "build_doc", "--html"],
+        cwd=str(source_dir),
+        check=True,
+    )
+    if "windows" in target_triple:
+        process_install_rules(STAGING_RULES_WINDOWS, source_dir, out_dir)
+        # Write out a default editor.rc file to configure notepad as the
+        # default editor.
+        with (out_dir / "defaultrc" / "editor.rc").open(
+            "w", encoding="utf-8"
+        ) as fh:
+            fh.write("[ui]\neditor = notepad\n")
+            p = out_dir / f
+            if p.exists():
+                print("removing %s" % p)
+                p.unlink()
+        # Add vcruntimeXXX.dll next to executable.
+        vc_runtime_dll = find_vc_runtime_dll(x64="x86_64" in target_triple)
+        shutil.copy(vc_runtime_dll, out_dir / vc_runtime_dll.name)
diff --git a/contrib/packaging/hgpackaging/inno.py b/contrib/packaging/hgpackaging/inno.py
--- a/contrib/packaging/hgpackaging/inno.py
+++ b/contrib/packaging/hgpackaging/inno.py
@@ -18,8 +18,9 @@
+from .pyoxidizer import run_pyoxidizer
 from .util import (
-    find_vc_runtime_files,
+    find_legacy_vc_runtime_files,
@@ -41,14 +42,14 @@
-def build(
+def build_with_py2exe(
     source_dir: pathlib.Path,
     build_dir: pathlib.Path,
     python_exe: pathlib.Path,
     iscc_exe: pathlib.Path,
-    """Build the Inno installer.
+    """Build the Inno installer using py2exe.
     Build files will be placed in ``build_dir``.
@@ -92,7 +93,7 @@
     process_install_rules(EXTRA_INSTALL_RULES, source_dir, staging_dir)
     # hg.exe depends on VC9 runtime DLLs. Copy those into place.
-    for f in find_vc_runtime_files(vc_x64):
+    for f in find_legacy_vc_runtime_files(vc_x64):
         if f.name.endswith('.manifest'):
             basename = 'Microsoft.VC90.CRT.manifest'
@@ -113,6 +114,35 @@
+def build_with_pyoxidizer(
+    source_dir: pathlib.Path,
+    build_dir: pathlib.Path,
+    target_triple: str,
+    iscc_exe: pathlib.Path,
+    version=None,
+    """Build the Inno installer using PyOxidizer."""
+    if not iscc_exe.exists():
+        raise Exception("%s does not exist" % iscc_exe)
+    inno_build_dir = build_dir / ("inno-pyoxidizer-%s" % target_triple)
+    staging_dir = inno_build_dir / "stage"
+    inno_build_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+    run_pyoxidizer(source_dir, inno_build_dir, staging_dir, target_triple)
+    process_install_rules(EXTRA_INSTALL_RULES, source_dir, staging_dir)
+    build_installer(
+        source_dir,
+        inno_build_dir,
+        staging_dir,
+        iscc_exe,
+        version,
+        arch="x64" if "x86_64" in target_triple else None,
+    )
 def build_installer(
     source_dir: pathlib.Path,
     inno_build_dir: pathlib.Path,
diff --git a/contrib/packaging/hgpackaging/cli.py b/contrib/packaging/hgpackaging/cli.py
--- a/contrib/packaging/hgpackaging/cli.py
+++ b/contrib/packaging/hgpackaging/cli.py
@@ -20,8 +20,11 @@
 SOURCE_DIR = HERE.parent.parent.parent
-def build_inno(python=None, iscc=None, version=None):
-    if not os.path.isabs(python):
+def build_inno(pyoxidizer_target=None, python=None, iscc=None, version=None):
+    if not pyoxidizer_target and not python:
+        raise Exception("--python required unless building with PyOxidizer")
+    if python and not os.path.isabs(python):
         raise Exception("--python arg must be an absolute path")
     if iscc:
@@ -35,9 +38,14 @@
     build_dir = SOURCE_DIR / "build"
-    inno.build(
-        SOURCE_DIR, build_dir, pathlib.Path(python), iscc, version=version,
-    )
+    if pyoxidizer_target:
+        inno.build_with_pyoxidizer(
+            SOURCE_DIR, build_dir, pyoxidizer_target, iscc, version=version
+        )
+    else:
+        inno.build_with_py2exe(
+            SOURCE_DIR, build_dir, pathlib.Path(python), iscc, version=version,
+        )
 def build_wix(
@@ -88,7 +96,12 @@
     subparsers = parser.add_subparsers()
     sp = subparsers.add_parser("inno", help="Build Inno Setup installer")
-    sp.add_argument("--python", required=True, help="path to python.exe to use")
+    sp.add_argument(
+        "--pyoxidizer-target",
+        choices={"i686-pc-windows-msvc", "x86_64-pc-windows-msvc"},
+        help="Build with PyOxidizer targeting this host triple",
+    )
+    sp.add_argument("--python", help="path to python.exe to use")
     sp.add_argument("--iscc", help="path to iscc.exe to use")

To: indygreg, #hg-reviewers
Cc: mercurial-patches
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