[BUG] http proxy overriding problem / env var problem on the other OS

Edouard Gomez ed.gomez at free.fr
Thu Aug 4 08:29:38 UTC 2005

Selon K Thananchayan <thananck at yahoo.com>:
> Can you please try:
>   hg --traceback pull http://www.selenic.com/hg
> With traceback option, hg shoud print the stack trace
> of the exception.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "D:\Programs\msys\home\edgomez\mercurial-snapshot\mercurial\commands.py",
line 1391, in dispatch
    return d()
  File "D:\Programs\msys\home\edgomez\mercurial-snapshot\mercurial\commands.py",
line 1376, in <lambda>
    d = lambda: func(u, repo, *args, **cmdoptions)
  File "D:\Programs\msys\home\edgomez\mercurial-snapshot\mercurial\commands.py",
line 812, in pull
    other = hg.repository(ui, source)
  File "D:\Programs\msys\home\edgomez\mercurial-snapshot\mercurial\hg.py", line
2001, in repository
    return httprepository(ui, path)
  File "D:\Programs\msys\home\edgomez\mercurial-snapshot\mercurial\hg.py", line
1774, in __init__
    del os.environ[env]
  File "d:\Programs\python\lib\os.py", line 430, in __delitem__
  File "d:\Programs\python\lib\os.py", line 405, in unsetenv
    putenv(key, "")
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
abort: No such file or directory: None

> > Applied. Sorry i never reach this code. But i can
> > output bits of information earlier.
> I am puzzled!

I was not, i knew the exception was thrown from the env var deletion loop. Once
i commented this loop, i had no problem pulling (at the expense that hgrc
values could be overriden by the env vars).

> In any case, I wouder if any settings in ~/.hgrc is
> noticed by hg?
> Could you please add a section
> [http_proxy]
> host=
> to the rc file
>   D:/Programs/msys/home/edgomez/.hgrc
> and try to pull again?

I'll try to test this as soon as i have a little more time, work is slowly
stacking on my desk :-)

Edouard Gomez

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