tcsh completion

TK Soh teekaysoh at
Wed Aug 24 08:19:22 UTC 2005

--- Matt Mackall <mpm at> wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 23, 2005 at 11:42:03PM -0700, TK Soh wrote:
> > Run to generate tcsh_completion, then
> > source tcsh_completion in tcsh to add completion support
> > for hg. The source filename may be optionally specified 
> > by passing as first argument to
> That's.. peculiar. Can you somehow embed this inside of a tcsh script
> so that people don't have to do the extra step?

'people' would include myself also. The embedding business is pretty much
tried-and-failed for me. I'd be truely grateful if some tcsh wizard out there
can help make this happen.

> Otherwise, you should put some better instructions in the comments.

In the script? Will do.

> > Note: command specific options are not [yet] supported.
> I was a long-time tcsh user, but I often found myself firing up bash
> for this or that odd thing. Then along came bash's recent extremely
> powerful completion mechanism and I decided it was high time to switch.

Unfortunate switching to bash is not an option at work for me, especially when
I introduce hg to the department in the near future. Besides, there'are few, if
any at all, people around here realize the existance of bash.

> Now I find myself using bash control structures on the command line
> fairly regularly, which I never did with tcsh.

I wouldn't even try that kind of tricks with tcsh :-(

> The only thing I miss is the ^Z toggle-editor feature.

not too much, I supposed ;-)

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