mq: addressing the broken version history (qpush/qpop/qpush cycle)

Chris Mason mason at
Mon Dec 12 14:08:43 UTC 2005

On Monday 12 December 2005 02:03, Samuel Masham wrote:

> > I'm confused here.  Does pop not strip?  Otherwise when we pop the parent
> > information refers to  a patch that does not exist.
> pop strips and then zeros the first column in the status
> (If its the top patch it also strips  the head column for the head marker)
> push will fill in the zero column with the relevant version and mark
> the change as having a second parent that is the second column.

Ok, now I think I get it, so I'm going to try and make things more 
complicated ;)

Your system allows for two different heads for merging, which is nice.  But, 
hg allows for any number of heads, which is one thing I try to preserve via 
qsave -c.  When .hg/patches is a repo, qsave -c actually makes a clone of 
that repo.  This is partially for backup purposes, but also so that you can 
continue working on the original clone if needed.

I don't think you can store this many-head status information in your current 

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