history on repository subdirectories.

Peter Buckingham peter at pantasys.com
Tue Jun 28 22:20:06 UTC 2005

Hi Matt,

Matt Mackall wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 27, 2005 at 01:45:30PM -0700, Peter Buckingham wrote:
>>Hi Matt,
>>I was checking out mercurial and wanted to do something like:
>>hg history drivers/pci
>>to get the changes on everything in a particular subdirectory, but this 
>>currently doesn't work. is there a different way to do this or do you 
>>need to change mercurial to support this?
> Doesn't currently exist, but should be easy to add.

I checked out mercurial today and you added this for a file, but I was 
thinking more for a directory and it's contents. ie

	hg history arch/x86_64

would provide the history/changes for all the files below it. 'svn log 
<blah>' does this, so does bk and a few other scms.

One other thing I noticed is that hg history is not in date order, ie 
some of the entries will be out of order (i guess this is due to the 
handling of merges). If possible it'd be good to see history match up 
with git/cogito.



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