Mercurial vs Updated git HOWTO for kernel hackers

Kyle Moffett mrmacman_g4 at
Wed Jun 29 03:53:47 UTC 2005

On Jun 28, 2005, at 20:25:02, Sean wrote:
> there will be a price to pay if the linux community fragments over  
> choice
> of scm.

I don't agree.  With the current set of SCMs, I don't think it will  
be long
before somebody invents a gitweb/Mercurial/whatever gateway, such  
that I can
"hg serve" from my Mercurial repository and have Linus "git pull" from a
multiprotocol bridge.

> the good news is that we're no longer locked into the whims of
> some proprietary system.  so it should be straight forward for  
> those who
> choose any tool to work with those who've chosen another.  this is  
> already
> evidenced by the fact that the git repository is pulled and re- 
> exeported
> with mecurial.

I agree completely!  Cheers to the end of proprietary revision storage!

> anyway, all the best, just wish you guys would spend less time  
> trying to
> convert git users and more time advancing your own tool.

A project with no users isn't much of a project, now is it?  In any  
this thread has long since passed its usefulness, so let's let it  
die, ok?

Kyle Moffett

I lost interest in "blade servers" when I found they didn't throw  
knives at people who weren't supposed to be in your machine room.
   -- Anthony de Boer

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