updates for templates

Jake Edge jake at edge2.net
Sat May 21 23:43:26 UTC 2005

i am having trouble exporting the 4 versions that make up this group of 
changes, so I will just point you to edge2.net/hg/hgweb (hg: or http:) 
to look at the changes i have made ...

i based the template class off Matt's example and templatized the 
obvious choices (and a couple that were probably overboard) ... these 
changes also create the hgweb class that can be subclassed to override 
various configuration options (repo_path, numchanges, and tmpl_dir so 
far) ... the actual look of hgweb should not have changed much ...

the template 'engine' (hah!) could probably use a simple if/then 
construct and a simple iterative construct ... you will see a few hacks 
to deal with the lack of these ...

i am more than happy to provide these patches in a more normal form if 
you wish, but i will probably have to snarf-n-barf them from the web 
page (i.e. diff, not export, format) ...


Jake Edge - jake at edge2.net - http://www.edge2.net

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