[PATCH 0 of 1] Add .hginclude support (like .hgignore, except specifies what to include).

Mitch Frazier mitch at fmr.name
Wed Nov 2 21:07:25 UTC 2005

Benoit Boissinot wrote:
> On 11/2/05, Mitch Frazier <mitch at ssc.com> wrote:
>> It works sometime, and doesn't other times.  Here's a sequence that
>> doesn't work:
>>   /etc# hg init
>>   /etc# hg add my.cnf
>>   /etc# hg commit
>>   /etc# hg add apache2/
>>   /etc# hg add apache2/*
>>   apache2/mime.types: unsupported file type (type is symbolic link)
>>   /etc# hg add apache2/*/*
>>   /etc# hg add apache2/*/*/*
>>   apache2/*/*/*: No such file or directory
> can you do:
> `hg status`,`hg debugstate` and `ls -l 
> apache2/conf.d/apache2-manual.conf` here ?

$ hg status
R apache2/conf.d/apache2-manual.conf
R apache2/conf.d/php4.conf
R apache2/default-server.conf
R apache2/errors.conf
R apache2/httpd.conf
R apache2/listen.conf
R apache2/magic
R apache2/mod_autoindex-defaults.conf
R apache2/mod_info.conf
R apache2/mod_log_config.conf
R apache2/mod_mime-defaults.conf
R apache2/mod_status.conf
R apache2/mod_userdir.conf
R apache2/mod_usertrack.conf
R apache2/server-tuning.conf
R apache2/ssl-global.conf
R apache2/ssl.crl/Makefile
R apache2/ssl.crl/README.CRL
R apache2/ssl.crt/Makefile
R apache2/ssl.crt/README.CRT
R apache2/ssl.crt/ca-bundle.crt
R apache2/ssl.crt/server.crt
R apache2/ssl.crt/snakeoil-ca-dsa.crt
R apache2/ssl.crt/snakeoil-ca-rsa.crt
R apache2/ssl.crt/snakeoil-dsa.crt
R apache2/ssl.crt/snakeoil-rsa.crt
R apache2/ssl.csr/README.CSR
R apache2/ssl.csr/server.csr
R apache2/ssl.key/README.KEY
R apache2/ssl.key/server.key
R apache2/ssl.key/snakeoil-ca-dsa.key
R apache2/ssl.key/snakeoil-ca-rsa.key
R apache2/ssl.key/snakeoil-dsa.key
R apache2/ssl.key/snakeoil-rsa.key
R apache2/ssl.prm/README.PRM
R apache2/ssl.prm/snakeoil-ca-dsa.prm
R apache2/ssl.prm/snakeoil-dsa.prm
R apache2/sysconfig.d/global.conf
R apache2/sysconfig.d/include.conf
R apache2/sysconfig.d/loadmodule.conf
R apache2/uid.conf
R apache2/vhosts.d/vhost-ssl.template
R apache2/vhosts.d/vhost.template

$ hg debugstate
a 644        646 03/19/05 15:34:07 apache2/conf.d/apache2-manual.conf
a 644        329 07/05/05 06:28:40 apache2/conf.d/php4.conf
a 644       3763 03/19/05 15:34:07 apache2/default-server.conf
a 644       2765 03/19/05 15:34:07 apache2/errors.conf
a 644       8189 03/19/05 15:34:07 apache2/httpd.conf
a 644       1053 03/19/05 15:34:07 apache2/listen.conf
a 644      12958 03/19/05 15:23:00 apache2/magic
a 644       1504 03/19/05 15:34:07 apache2/mod_autoindex-defaults.conf
a 644        369 03/19/05 15:34:07 apache2/mod_info.conf
a 644       1057 03/19/05 15:34:07 apache2/mod_log_config.conf
a 644       5075 03/19/05 15:34:07 apache2/mod_mime-defaults.conf
a 644        334 03/19/05 15:34:07 apache2/mod_status.conf
a 644       1321 10/20/05 08:41:57 apache2/mod_userdir.conf
a 644         85 03/19/05 15:34:07 apache2/mod_usertrack.conf
a 644       5035 03/19/05 15:34:07 apache2/server-tuning.conf
a 644       2809 03/19/05 15:34:07 apache2/ssl-global.conf
a 644       1569 10/24/02 04:06:31 apache2/ssl.crl/Makefile
a 644        320 10/24/02 04:06:31 apache2/ssl.crl/README.CRL
a 644       1522 10/24/02 04:06:29 apache2/ssl.crt/Makefile
a 644       1386 10/24/02 04:06:29 apache2/ssl.crt/README.CRT
a 400     242153 10/24/02 04:06:29 apache2/ssl.crt/ca-bundle.crt
a 400         68 10/24/02 04:06:29 apache2/ssl.crt/server.crt
a 400       1472 10/24/02 04:06:29 apache2/ssl.crt/snakeoil-ca-dsa.crt
a 400       1192 10/24/02 04:06:29 apache2/ssl.crt/snakeoil-ca-rsa.crt
a 400       1452 10/24/02 04:06:29 apache2/ssl.crt/snakeoil-dsa.crt
a 400       1176 10/24/02 04:06:29 apache2/ssl.crt/snakeoil-rsa.crt
a 644        926 10/24/02 04:06:31 apache2/ssl.csr/README.CSR
a 400         84 10/24/02 04:06:31 apache2/ssl.csr/server.csr
a 644       1207 10/24/02 04:06:31 apache2/ssl.key/README.KEY
a 400         68 10/24/02 04:06:31 apache2/ssl.key/server.key
a 400        668 10/24/02 04:06:31 apache2/ssl.key/snakeoil-ca-dsa.key
a 400        887 10/24/02 04:06:31 apache2/ssl.key/snakeoil-ca-rsa.key
a 400        668 10/24/02 04:06:31 apache2/ssl.key/snakeoil-dsa.key
a 400        891 10/24/02 04:06:31 apache2/ssl.key/snakeoil-rsa.key
a 644        516 10/24/02 04:06:31 apache2/ssl.prm/README.PRM
a 400        455 10/24/02 04:06:31 apache2/ssl.prm/snakeoil-ca-dsa.prm
a 400        455 10/24/02 04:06:31 apache2/ssl.prm/snakeoil-dsa.prm
a 644        268 11/01/05 13:59:05 apache2/sysconfig.d/global.conf
a 644        150 11/01/05 13:59:05 apache2/sysconfig.d/include.conf
a 644       1780 11/01/05 13:59:05 apache2/sysconfig.d/loadmodule.conf
a 644         22 03/19/05 15:34:07 apache2/uid.conf
a 644       9147 03/19/05 15:34:07 apache2/vhosts.d/vhost-ssl.template
a 644       4237 03/19/05 15:34:07 apache2/vhosts.d/vhost.template
n 660       4964 09/13/05 09:43:53 my.cnf

$ ls -l apache2/conf.d/apache2-manual.conf
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 646 2005-03-19 15:34

Doing an "hg commit" now, fails as below:
>>   /etc# hg commit
>>   ** unknown exception encountered, details follow
>>   ** report bug details to mercurial at selenic.com
>>   Traceback (most recent call last):
>>     File "/usr/local/lib/python/mercurial/manifest.py", line 137,
>>       in add raise AssertionError(
>>   AssertionError: failed to remove apache2/conf.d/apache2-manual.conf
>>     from manifest
> It wants to add a file that doesn't exists, i send a patch earlier to
> fix that (at least it should not traceback anymore).
>> Note that if don't do the first "hg commit" and commit "my.cnf" along
>> with all the apache config files it doesn't raise the exception.
> thanks,
> Benoit
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