Mercurial plugin for Trac 0.9 available

Christian Boos cboos at
Thu Nov 3 14:19:31 UTC 2005


I discovered hg a while ago and have been following this mailing list 
for a while now,
but it's only recently that I began to use Mercurial on a regular basis.

First, I want to say that Mercurial really seems to have captured the 
"right" concepts,
and that its API is a pleasure to work with.

I recently wrote a plugin for Trac that enables one to use Mercurial as
the SCM backend, instead of Subversion.

More information on

In short, this requires a slightly modified version of Trac 0.9,
in addition to the TracMercurial plugin itself.

Also, as I'm now more familiar with hg, expect newbie questions
and silly patches from me :)

-- Christian

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