how much memory?

TK Soh teekaysoh at
Wed Nov 9 01:37:10 UTC 2005

--- Matt Mackall <mpm at> wrote:

> On Tue, Nov 08, 2005 at 04:44:42PM -0800, TK Soh wrote:
> > The cloning issue (MemoryError) on Xen prompted me with one question: "how
> do
> > we estimate the memory requirement of hg/hgweb?"
> > 
> > The question is important to me, as I plan on converting repos of up to 2GB
> > into Mercurial in the near future, and I am currently serving the Hg repo
> on a
> > fairly low-end web server.
> Theoretically, it should be (general overhead) + (size of largest
> revlog entry * N), where N is a small number.
> The biggest memory user should be delta generation, which involves
> unpacking two versions, breaking them into lines, then generating an
> output which is potentially twice as large as the input. So I'd expect
> N to be in the range of 4-6.

Which mean a single commit of larger than 300MB or so will break just about
every servers we have. And unless I break down the repo then commit them by
chunks, there will be problems.

Any way to optimise hg/hgweb on memory usage?

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