Ignoring changed files

Steve Borho steve at borho.org
Sun Dec 3 17:03:15 UTC 2006

On Saturday 02 December 2006 03:22, Thomas Arendsen Hein wrote:
> * Chui Tey <teyc at cognoware.com> [20061201 13:42]:
> - Use the mq extension to track changes to config.php:
>   $ hg qnew mylocalconfig
>   $ $EDITOR config.php
>   $ hg qrefresh
>   Whenever you want to pull in new changes from the original
>   repository, you need some extra steps:
>   $ hg qpop -a  # removes your local config.php changes
>   $ hg pull
>   $ hg update
>   $ hg qpush -a # adds your local config.php changes again
> Today I'm mostly using the mq solution.

I use this solution as well.  The only drawback is that I sometimes forget the 
qpop -a step and end up having to do some nasty things with clone -r to get 
my repo in a sane state again.

Is there some way to force the pull to fail if there are locally applied 

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