Need advice how to keep local changes without committing to main branch

Mathieu Clabaut mathieu.clabaut at
Wed Dec 13 08:42:02 UTC 2006

On 12/12/06, Andrei Vermel <avermel at> wrote:
> I need to regularly commit changes to the main branch, but there are some
> local changes
> that I do not want to commit. Also I'd like to be able to resolve
> conflicts if the locally
> changed files get changed in the main branch.
> MQ doesn't help as far as I can tell, as with patches applied I can't
> commit easily -
> would need to qpop / qpush all the time. I can't add the files to the
> .hgignore either,
> since they are managed by hg.

I would have advise  to use MQ to keep your local changes and you global
changes. You must arrange to keep your local changes on top of the queue.
When it is time to push your global changes, qpop your local changes and
then use hg qdelete -r qbase:qtip to delete the associated patches but keep
the cset in the repo.
You can now do a hg push and after that restore your local changes by
qpushing them.

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