qct 0.4 released

Steve Borho steve at borho.org
Mon Dec 18 21:52:37 UTC 2006

On Monday 18 December 2006 3:29 pm, Satish Balay wrote:
> Steve,
> I have the following feedback on the qct UI.

Thanks, this is just the kind of feedback I'm looking for.

> Currently it starts off with selecting all changes/files as part of
> the changeset. And then one can toggle with the mouse to select and
> unselect the changes/files.
> However the same select action is used to check the diffs as well.
> So, if I just want to check the diffs - I have to do the following:
> - click on the file
>    - it displays the diff [which I want]
>    - it also unselects the file [which I might or might not want]
> I think its better to split this functionality in different actions.
> HCT has this functionality splitup. I think 'bk' also had this flag
> separate from the 'diff' functionality.
>    - when a select is toggled the diff is also shown
>    - when the file name is selected - diff is shown [without a toggle
>      for select]

I might go this route eventually, however there is a shortcut 'CTRL+N' 
which cycles through all the diffs without having to even visit the 
file list window.

You're basic work-flow should be like this:

o You decide it's time to check in some work, so you run 'hg qct'
o You look at the file list to see what files are commitable, then
  decide whether this is one commit or multiple commits.  You use CTRL+N
  to look at the diffs made to each file.
o If this is a single commit, you type in the commit message and then
  hit CTRL+O.  You're done.
o If this requires multiple commits, you type in your first commit
  message then deselect the files you want to leave out ([TAB] sends you
  to the file list and spacebar toggles the files).  You hit CTRL+O to
  make the first commit.
o Qct will refresh the file list with the remaining commitable files,
  auto-selects those which are already revisioned, clears out the old
  commit message and places the focus back in the commit message window.
o wash, rinse, repeat

You can do all of this without touching the mouse, which I find much 
more efficient.  But your comment is correct, the mouse interaction 
with the file list is currently klunky.

> Also it might be a good idea to provide 'quit-without-commit' option
> - so that we don't have to always rely on the windowmanager [kill
> button]

'Esc' will immediately exit.

Steve Borho (steve at borho.org)
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