qct 0.6 released

Vincent Danjean vdanjean.ml at free.fr
Tue Dec 26 10:28:36 UTC 2006

Steve Borho a écrit :
> Source:			http://www.borho.org/~steve/qct-0.6.tar.gz

A debian package is available on my web page :

It misses a manpage. If someone has time to write one, patch welcome...

If someone from bzr know how to enable the plugins system-wide,
he can tell me so that I can do it in the package (instead of providing
the plugin in the /usr/share/doc/qct/examples directory)

  Best regards

> Note:  There was a bug in the bzr plugin in this release.   A fix for it is on the tip, or you
> can get the fixed file directly from this URL:

PS: my package include this fix

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